WOOD - Ritual Tisane - Tin or Eco Pouch

WOOD - Ritual Tisane - Tin or Eco Pouch
This hand blended ritual tisane (aka a tea) is based around the woods & forests of our lands and to celebrate one of our very first trees on earth, the ancient pine tree.
Pine trees are said to cleanse and help you shed, leaving your past behind.
Taoist priests drank pine needle tea as they believed it help them live longer too, there is evidence now that drinking pine needle tea can really help slow down the aging process!
Pine needles are 5 x higher in Vitamin C than lemons and contain high levels of Vitamin A which is good for eyesight, hair and skin. They are said to improve red blood cell production also.
We combined organic needles with wildcrafted cracked cell pine pollen, which is a super food and amazing adaptogenic for the body. Adaptogens relieve stress hormones by modulating the release from the adrenal glands, they replenish our deeper immunity and regulate our response to stress. So pines pollen is a true vitality rejuvenator!
To round off and balance our woodland healing tisane, we have added antitoxidant rich red rosehips, real cinnamon bark and eucalyptus leafs which are antibacterial and a natural decongestant, the trees are going to smell that much sweeter with your airways cleared.
Our final ingredient from the wood, is the amazing burdock root. This marvelous root is believed to cleanse the blood, help drain lymph’s and is high in Vitamin B6 and magnesium.
More importantly though, it is believed to reduce inflammation, which is known to be the cause of many health problems.
We have told you about the health benefits of this tisane, but vibrationally it’s energy is in the here and now, rooting and buzzing with the life force of the earth and the trees, connecting us with mother earth.
We enhanced the vibration even further on the tisane tin caddy’s by adding a grounding and balancing smokey quartz crystal to each lid.
These tins are intended to be reused however you please, but mostly to be refilled and used as a sustainable tea caddy for more of this tisane.
The wood tisane also comes in our usual pouch form too of course.
This tisane was blended as an offering for you enjoy and use as part of a woodland or full moon ritual, especially if your in need of grounding and connection with your own body.
This tisane is a perfect companion for taking on a forest adventure in true Moomin style, sip under the trees as your bare feet push down into the soil and tap into the the underground mycorrhizae, How amazing is nature!
It is however equally lovely brewed at home to bring a slice of the outdoors in, make a large mug full and inhale deeply before sipping to enjoy the scent of the forest.
We hope you can feel all the love and tree magic I have gathered into this offering and how it’s full of my deepest respect and enjoyment of the woods, especially the ones I grew up in.
I created this tisane while meditating on all the magical time spent in them as a child and how being a part of the woods in Yorkshire completely moulded me into the hedge witch I am today.
Join me in raising a mug to our precious trees and woodlands.
- Organic Ingredients - Pine Needles, Cracked Cell Wildcrafted Pine Pollen, Burdock Root, Rosehips, Ceylon Real Cinnamon Bark and eucalyptus.
*We have tried this tisane iced and it’s delicious, especially with a slice of lemon. It is also lovely as a facial steam.
*Please consult a doctor before drinking any herbal teas or tisanes if you are on medication, breast feeding or pregnant or are sensitive in this case to pine.
*Some people are allergic to the pine family, please try in a small amount first if unsure!