Gobbolino’s Garden Tea ~ by Tarn + Moon

Gobbolino’s Garden Tea ~ by Tarn + Moon
This blend is unique to us, I spent many hours finding a way to get a smokey Russian caravan tea taste without the caffeine, all while, capturing Autumns colours and tastes while stepping away from the more typical pumpkin spice flavours. We hope you love this tea as much as we do.
So let me take you on a little journey…Across the wild fields, as the sun sets golden on the last of the summers seeds and corn.
Down to the bottom of the hill and under the heavy arches of trees, you walk along the little worn track.
Following a black tail as it flicks in and out of the long brown grasses, you finally come to a worn out wooden gate, when you open it you step into a garden that is full of sunsets deep light and curling fire smoke.
There, Gobbolino, the little witches cat waits for you, this is his little cave garden where he lives with his witch.
You tread crisp leaves past the the wild rosehip bushes and bright orange flowers,
the spice of All hallows’ eve is carried on the soft wind mixed with the scent of the witches smokey oven as she preserves her grown treasures for the cold winter months ahead.
The witch has her kettle on over the crackling fire and Gobbolino has invited you in for a cosy fireside Autumnal brew.
A witchy spin on a russian caravan tea but without the caffine. Tastes smokey, spiced and aromatic.
Gobbolino was a much loved story of mine as a child. I related to him because he didn’t fit in, with his unusual witches cat markings, blue instead of green eyes, one white paw and an almost tabby marked fur instead of Jet black. He wasn’t loved and he was shunned, turned out and abandoned even by his own mother and witch.
He still remained kind and caring throughout his adventures in the world though, all while trying to find where he fit in.
I wanted to honour this story by Ursula Moray Williams, that she first published in 1942, by creating a tea Gobbolino would be proud of.
Even though he eventually ends up as a farm cat, which is deepest wish anyway, I still wanted so much for him to find a witch when I was little. One that really loved him just the way he was and for him to still have all his magical powers. So I wove a little new story ending for this tea.
Any of you Gobbolino fans, I hope you’ll forgive me changing the end to my liking!
Brew time - 5 - 8 mins ~ Brew Temp - 80°
Organic Ingredients ~ Black Fire Smoked Hill Cardamom, Lemon Bee Brush, Pink Berry Peppercorns, Pot Marigold Flowers, Rooibos, Turmeric Root + Real Cinnamon Bark.